An excellent site covering many of
the rare and beautiful minerals from the Ilimaussaq Complex
- great photos!
UV lamps from many manufacturers, FL
presentations and seminars
UV minerals - a wide selection
from a professional hobbyist
Franklin/Sterling Hill is the
FL collector’s “Mecca” - and this site tells
it all!
Fluorescent Mineral Society - The Fluorescent
Mineral Society is an international organization of professional
mineralogists, geologists, amateur collectors, and others who
study and collect fluorescent minerals. The society was founded
in 1971 and incorporated in 1993.
A new museum, featuring world-class
fluorescence exhibits, located on the grounds of the
Sterling Hill Mining Museum in Ogdensburg, NJ.
Adventures of a Fluorescent Mineral Collector - Fluorescent
minerals usually look like any other rock until you look at
them under ultraviolet light. Then they glow with bright and
beautiful colors. Some of the best specimens have several colors
all in one piece. They're fairly easy to find out in the field.
Here's a few stories and pictures to illustrate that fact.